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Husband: John Hancock Clagett | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Thomas H. Clagett | ||
Mother: | Henrietta B. Marbury | ||
Wife: Catherine Jane Beanes | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Albert Marshall Clagett | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Alice Hawkins |
/--John Clagett /--William Clagett | \--Sarah 'Sary' Magruder /--Thomas H. Clagett | | /-- | \--Margaret Harriet Sothron | \-- |--John Hancock Clagett | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Henrietta B. Marbury | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Catherine Jane Beanes | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Love Brewster | |||
Born: | 1611 | at: | prb. Leyden, Holland |
Married: | 15 May 1634 | at: | Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA |
Died: | bef. 10 Feb 1649/50 | at: | Duxbuury, Massachusetts, USA |
Father: | William Brewster | ||
Mother: | Mary | ||
Notes: | [8744] | ||
Wife: Sarah Collier | |||
Born: | 30 Apr 1616 | at: | Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | 26 Apr 1691 | at: | Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | William Collier | ||
Mother: | Jane Clarke | ||
Sources: | [1752] | ||
Children |
/--William Brewster /--John William Brewster | \--Maude Man /--William Brewster | | /-- | \--Mary Prudence Smythe | \-- |--Love Brewster | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Mary | /-- \-- \--
/-- /--Abraham Collier | \-- /--William Collier | | /-- | \--(--?--) Collier | \-- |--Sarah Collier | /-- | /--John Clarke | | \-- \--Jane Clarke | /-- \--Elizabeth Hobson \--
[8744] Hawes, Frank M. FOSTER RECORD: AN ACCOUNT OF THOMAS FOSTER OF BILLERICAMA. Somerville MA, Fred E. Bradford Printer, 1889. p.59. Came on Mayflower. Will dated 1 Oct 1650.
@1 [1752] [S44]
Husband: Ephraim Pease | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Jemima Phelps | |||
Born: | ABT 1764 | at: | Enfield, Connecticut, USA |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Eldad Phelps | ||
Mother: | Jemima Pease | ||
Sources: | [4102] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Arvin Pease | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Ephraim Pease | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Israel Phelps /--David Phelps Sr. | \--Rachel Jones Clark /--Eldad Phelps | | /-- | \--Margaret Colton | \-- |--Jemima Phelps | /--Jonathan Pease | /--Pelatiah Pease | | \--Elizabeth Booth \--Jemima Pease | /--Jonathan Pease \--Jemima Booth \--Mary Harmon
@1 [4102] [S44]
Husband: Howard Jeffries Garrett | |||
Born: | 19 Mar 1910 | at: | Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Married: | 14 Sep 1931 | at: | Rockville, Maryland, USA |
Died: | 7 Mar 1966 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Annie Virginia Claggett | |||
Born: | 3 Jun 1912 | at: | Midland, Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Died: | 16 Aug 2001 | at: | |
Father: | Henry Harrison Claggett | ||
Mother: | Minnie Jackson Herrell | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Anne Elaine Garrett [6055] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Howard Eugene Garrett [10736] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Howard Jeffries Garrett | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Isaac Newton Claggett /--Charles Henry Claggett | \--Sarah 'Sally' Jeffries /--Henry Harrison Claggett | | /-- | \--Salomia Edmunds | \-- |--Annie Virginia Claggett | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Minnie Jackson Herrell | /-- \-- \--
[6055] This person is presumed living.
[10736] This person is presumed living.
Husband: John William Warren | |||
Born: | 1623 | at: | Of Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut |
Married: | 1675 | at: | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | Jul 1667 | at: | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Sources: | [12163] | ||
Wife: Elizabeth Crow | |||
Born: | 1649 | at: | Of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA |
Died: | 10 May 1727 | at: | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | John Crow | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Goodwin | ||
Sources: | [12126] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Mary Warren [7582] | ||
Born: | 1679 | at: | Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 2 Jan 1718 | at: | Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States |
Spouses: | Joseph Grant | ||
Name: | John Warren [12146] | ||
Born: | 10 Feb 1678 | at: | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Abigail Warren Lord [12162] | ||
Born: | 10 May 1676 | at: | Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 1 Jan 1754 | at: | Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut |
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--John William Warren | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /--John Crow | \-- /--John Crow | | /-- | \--Olive Bird | \-- |--Elizabeth Crow | /-- | /--William Goodwin | | \-- \--Elizabeth Goodwin | /-- \--Elizabeth White \--
@1 [12163] [S44]
@1 [12126] [S44]
@1 [7582] [S44]
@1 [12146] [S44]
@1 [12162] [S44]
Husband: (--?--) | |||
Wife: Elizabeth Latimer | |||
Born: | 6 Sep 1726 | at: | Montville, New London, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Jonathan Latimer Sr. | ||
Mother: | Barodel (Borrodil) Denison | ||
Children |
/-- /--Robert Latimer III | \-- /--Jonathan Latimer Sr. | | /-- | \--Elizabeth Dimond | \-- |--Elizabeth Latimer | /-- | /--George Denison | | \-- \--Barodel (Borrodil) Denison | /-- \--Mary Brewster Wetherell \--Grace Brewster
Husband: Charles Phelps | |||
Born: | 1575 | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Married: | 1613 | at: | Chaceley, Gloucestershire, England |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Florisse Phelps | ||
Mother: | Johane | ||
Wife: Isabel Ellis | |||
Born: | at: | Eldersfield, England | |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children |
/-- /--Robert Phelps | \-- /--Florisse Phelps | | /-- | \--Alice | \-- |--Charles Phelps | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Johane | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Isabel Ellis | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Joseph Brock Captain | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | ABT 1797 | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Ann Chew | |||
Born: | ABT 1778 | at: | Spotsylvania, Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | John Chew Col. | ||
Mother: | Ann Fox | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Joseph Brock Captain | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Larkin Chew /--John Chew | \--Hannah Roy /--John Chew Col. | | /-- | \--Margaret Beverley | \-- |--Ann Chew | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Ann Fox | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Samuel Milstead Jr. | |||
Born: | BEF 1755 | at: | Charles Co., Maryland |
Married: | BEF 1814 | at: | , Prince William, Virginia |
Died: | 1840 | at: | Colchester, Virginia, USA |
Father: | Samuel Milstead, Sr. | ||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [12169] | ||
Sources: | [12170] | ||
Wife: Sarah Smallwood Thompson | |||
Born: | 1793 | at: | Stafford, Virginia |
Died: | ABT Nov 1844 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [12180] | ||
Sources: | [12181] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Henry Milstead [12167] | ||
Born: | 1812 | at: | |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 1873 | at: | |
Spouses: | Sally Fendall Bell | ||
Name: | Elizabeth Milstead [12182] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | 1871 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Mary Milstead [12183] | ||
Born: | ABT 1816 | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Martha Milstead [12184] | ||
Born: | ABT 1818 | at: | |
Died: | ABT 1850 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Harriet Milstead [12185] | ||
Born: | ABT 1820 | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Sally Ann Milstead [12186] | ||
Born: | ABT 1823 | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Indianna H. V. Milstead [12187] | ||
Born: | ABT 1830 | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--Edward Milstead /--Matthew Milstead | \--Catherine Barker /--Samuel Milstead, Sr. | | /--William Warder | \--Anne Warder | \--Mary Fairfax |--Samuel Milstead Jr. | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Sarah Smallwood Thompson | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[12169] References: Smith-Claggett Genealogical Chart Milsteads son of Samuel Sr. in Samuel Sr. will, brother of Levi Milstead in SamuelSr. will. Henry is Samuel Jr.'s son in Levi Milstead will, Bk. 16, pg.175, December term 1839, Charles County: "Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew Henry Milstead (the son of myBrother Samuel Milstead) my bay Stallion called Durant and the money thatmay be due for his season in the spring of the year Eighteen hundred andthirty-nine." 1820 census-him 26-45, wife 45-up, 1 son and 5 daughters, all 0-10,slaves were two boys, one girl, two women 14-26. 1830 census-him 40-50, boy 15-20, 8 girls, no wife, slaves 4 boys, 3young men, 1 girl, two women. Prince William County Will, Book O, p. 528: "An Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Samuel Milstead decdtaken the 10th day of January 1840 according to ??? Priscula aged 47 200 Artimacy aged 9 young 250 Mary Adalina aged 2 young 50 Sandy aged 27 years 550 White Tom aged 22 Do 600 Big Tom aged 47 Do 500 Cornelius aged 15 Do 500 William aged 13 Do 400 James aged 12 Do 500 Anne aged 21 and her child 500 Louisa aged 45 and her child 300 Albert aged 9 years 450 Mahalay aged 7 Do 200 Emma aged 9 Do 200 Edward aged 5 Do 100 Lydia aged 6 Do afflicted 5 John aged 3 Do 100 1 Feather Bed & Linen Short taken by Mrs. Milstead 10 1 Do Do & Check Counterpane to by Do 10 1 Do Do taken by Do 10(?) 1 Do Do taken by Do 10(?) 1 Do Do taken by Do 12 1 Do Do taken by Do 12 1 Do Do without tick taken by Do 15 1 Mahogany Table taken by Mrs. Milstead 8 1 Looking Glass taken by Mrs. Milstead .25 1 Do Do .25 1/2 Doz. Stool Chairs taken by Mrs. Milstead 2 3 Flag bottom Do taken by Do Do .50 __________ $5487.00 Amt. Brot over $5487.00 1 Walnut Table 1 1 Figured Green Counterpane 4 13 Blue edged Plates taken by Mrs. Milstead .50 1/2 Doz. Cups and Saucers taken by Do .25 2 Tumblers taken by Do .12 1/2 1 Tea pot Kitchen & Sugar dish 1 1 Dish blue edged taken by Mrs. Milstead .25 6 knives & 5 forks .50 1 white bowl Salt cellar and peper Caster taken by Mrs. .121/2 Milstead 1 Stone pot taken by Do .16 3 Red bedsteads taken by Do .75 2 Cotton Wheel taken by Do 2 1 ??? .25 10 Trunks taken by Do 1 1 Wheat fan 5 47 Head of Sheep @$1.50 70.50 11 Small Shoats (?) @.50c taken by Do 5.50 4 Do Do larger size @ $1 taken by Do 4 3 Spotted Sows & black Do @$2.50 taken by Do 7.50 1 Black Bear taken by Do 1 1 Ox cart 20 1 Blank box .25 4 Bee hives @ $1.50 6 4 Broad Hoes & 1 Mattock taken by Mrs. Milstead 1.25 4 Scythes & 3 Sneads taken by Do 2 1 Macormick Plough ??? ??? 3 1 Do Do ??? ??? ??? 3 1Duck Plough ??? 1.50 1 Blue Macormick Plough blue & Singletree 4 1 Do Do Do & Singletree 3 1 Iron ??? ??? .25 1 Whiskey Barrel .25 _______ $5656.91 Amt brot forward $5656.91 1 Cash Steel Axe taken by Mrs. Milstead 1.50 1 Do Do taken by Do .25 2 Lock chains & Shovel Plough 2 1 Stand .75 1loom, 2 ??? & ??? taken by Mrs. Milstead 4 1 Water Vessels Iron ??? 1 ??? 5(?) 1 Iron Pot Rack 1 1 Iron Pot & Hook's Griddle & Spider & ??? taken by Do 1 1 ??? .06 1/2 15 Tubs @ 25 cts 3.75 Pork 12 lb & 8 oz @ $6 taken by Mrs. Milstead 76.68 Long ??? & 2 Bbls @ $2 taken by Do 184 Short Do @ ??? 1 ??? ??? Shucks taken by Mrs. Milstead 5 5 Stacks Hay @ $16 80 2 Ricks Top Fodder taken by Mrs. Milstead 2 2 Cocks flax taken by Do 1 1 White Coalt taken by Do 50 1 Bay Horse 3 white feet 35 1 Sorrel Horse taken by Do 50 1 Roan mare taken by Do 40 I Coalt Crippled 2 1 Bay Horse one eye 1 1 Bay Horse taken by Mrs. Milstead 30 1 Cutting box 5 3 Bridles, 2 leather collars, 3 husk collars, 3 pairs Harness & traces 7 1 Lot Tobacco 10 Rye 62 1/2 Bushels @ .60 cts 37 1 Hoghead .50 1 Canoe 1 3 Scythes 4 handles 5.75 1 Stack Oats 30 ______________ $6307.65 1/4 Amt brot Over $6307.65 1/4 3 Stacks Rye Straw 10 1 Yoke Oxen black & red and yoke taken by Mrs. Milstead 40 1 Do Do Red & Yoke 35 Black and White Bull 16 1 White backed ??? ??? taken by Mrs. Milstead 15 3 Cows and 1 heifer 48 1 Small Bull & White Yearling 16 1 Red Yearling & White Yearling 16 1 Lot ??? taken by Mrs. Milstead 10 1 Saddle Bridle taken by Do 5 _____________ $6516.65 1/4 _____________ _____________ The above Inventory presents a true acct of all the goods and charges ofthe Estate of Samuel Milstead decd that have come to my hands foradministration this 10th day of January 1840 Henly ??? We the undersigned appointed by the County Court of Prince William toappraise the Estate of Samuel Milstead Decd ??? the Appraisement and dohereby Submit this above acct as a report of our preceeding Jany 10th 1840 ??? Nelson Henry Fairfax ??? R. W. Wheat At a Court held for Prince William County February 7 (?) 1842 (?) This Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Samuel Milsteaddecd was presented to the Court and order to be recorded. Teste ??? Williams seal"
[12180] Milsteads Sarah was willed slaves by Henry Gray on 02 April 1811 Will Stafford County NN380: I, Sarah Milstead of the County of Stafford and the State of Virginia, domake this my last will and testament in manner and form following ???.First I give and bequesth all the property I may possess or be entitledto at the time of my death (with the exception of the crops which may begrowing or on hand at the time) to my three daughters Sally Ann,Harriet, and Indianna H. V. Milstead, to be equally divided between themand should either of my said daughters depart this life under the age of21 years or without issue, then the survivor or survivors of the three,thus named, to have the portion of deceased sister or sisters equally.But should the deceased sister or sisters leave a child or children, thensuch a child or children to have the portion to which his, her, or theirmother would be entitled if living. Second, I give and bequesth all mycrops on hand at the time of my death or which may be growing at thattime and all my provissions laid in for the use of my family to my fivedaughters who are now living with me viz: Mary, Martha, Harriet, Sally,and Indianna and they are to reside together and use and enjoy the samejointly, and if any or either of them shall determine to leave the familyor residence of the family, such a child or children so leaving shall notbe entitled to any portion of the said crops or provissons, but the same shall be used and enjoyed by those remaining at the placeconsidered as the home of the family. In testimony whereof I havehereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 7 day of October 1841.her Sarah + Milstead seal mark Signed, sealed and acknowledged as the last will and testament of SarahMilstead in presence of John Moncure Travers D. Moncure Stafford County Court November the 11th 1844 The last will and testament of Sarah Milstead decd was this dayproved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto ??? to be recorded and onthe motion of Henry Groves who made oath and embraced into ??? withsecurity conditioned as the law directs a certificate is granted him forobtaining letters of administration with the said will annexed in dueform. Testes H. H. ???? ------------------------------------- Prince William NN406 Inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of Mrs. Sarah Milsteaddecd taken November the 29th 1844 Description Value 1 Mahogany table 8.00 5 old chairs @ 25c 1.25 1 Looking Glass .25 1 Bed No. 1 7.00 1 Bed No. 2 5.00 1 Bed No. 3 5.00 1 Bed No. 4 5.00 1 Bedstead 2.00 2 Counterpanes 3.00 1 Trunk 1.00 1 On Cash 7.00 2 potracks .50 1 pot & hooks 1.00 1 Griddle .50 1 Shovel .37 7 hogs 15.00 20 stock hogs & 7 pigs 35.00 1 yoke oxen 10.00 1 black pied buffalo Cow 6.00 1 red ox 6.00 1 white buffalo Cow 5.00 1 red pied Heifer 4.00 1 small Heifer 3.50 1 speckled do 3.00 2 ploughs & 3 singletrees 1.50 1 large plough & do 1.50 2 hoes .30 1 old whist fan 3.50 1 cutting box 2.50 1 set plough gear ??? 2.00 2 scythes handles 2.00 1 White Horse 40.00 1 old bay Horse 10.00 1 roan Mare 20.00 1 small Horse 35.00 1 lot straw 4.00 1 lot Fodder 3.00 34+ bushels oats @ .21c 7.24 4 do Rye @.41c 1.64 1 Harrow 1.00 37 Sheep @??? 1 Spinning wheel 1.50 1 Loom 3.00 1 lot top Fodder 5.00 45 barrels of corn @ 1.60 72.00 1 lot shucks (?) 3.40 1 lot Flan (?) .45 1 Table 1.40 7 barrels short corn @ .65c 4.55 ------------------------- Amount of appraisement $360.85 Henly Groves ??? of S. Milstead decd In pursuance of an order of the County Court of Stafford hereto ???inc. the ??? appraisers have inventoried and appraised the personalestate of Mrs. Sarah Milstead decd amounting to $360.85 cents which isherewith resprectfully reported to the Court. Given under our hands this13th day of January 1845. Wm. H. Fitzhugh, John Moncure, Travers D. Moncure Stafford County Court January 13th 1845 An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Sarah Milstead decdwas this day returned & ordered to ???. Testes H. H. ???
[12167] References: Smith-Claggett Genealogical Chart Pohick Book p. 298, 11-1 Shown in Samuel Jr.'s 1820 census as 0-10 years, and 1830 census as15-20. In Henry's 1850 census in Prince William County, Virginia, 1860 census inFairfax County, Virginia Called son of Samuel in Levi Milstead's will: "Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew Henry Milstead (the son of myBrother Samuel Milstead) my bay Stallion called Durant and the money thatmay be due for his season in the spring of the year Eighteen hundred andthirty-nine."
[12182] Milsteads Stafford County OO#136: This indenture made and entered into this 10th day of January 1846between John L. Henderson of the one part, W. N. Carter of the secondpart and Elizabeth Henderson wife of the said John L. Henderson of the3rd part. Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the premises & ofthe further consideration of one dollar in hand paid by the said W. N.Carter to the said J. L. Henderson, the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged, he the said John L. Henderson has been granted, bargained &sold and by these presents does give, grant, bargain and sell unto thesaid W. N. Carter, his Executors, Administrator & assigned all hisproperty of every description whatsoever, consisting of slaves, household& furniture, Stock of Cattle, Sheep, hogs and horses, farming utensils,and all debts due to him the said J. L. Henderson and also all hisinterest or claim in and to the dower property of Mrs. Sarah Milsteaddecd the mother of the said Elizabeth Henderson. To have & to hold thesaid property hereby conveyed to the said W. N. Carter his heirs andassigns forever. But upon trust nevertheless & none other viz: The saidproperty to be held by the said Willougby N. Carter, his Executors,administrators or assigns in trust for the exclusive & benefit of thesaid Elizabeth Henderson and free from the control & management of thesaid J. L. Henderson, & not to be in any manner liable for his debtshereafter contracted. And the said Elizabeth Henderson is to have andenjoy the income derived from the said property. And further, she can,with the consent of the said W. N. Carter use or dispose of the saidproperty & money, or any part thereof, either by sale or otherwise, andshe may deem to the interest of herself or her children. And she can ???or any part thereof by her ??? in any manner she may deem proper andshould she ??? her last will and testament as aforesaid. The whole ofher property & money is to be divided equally between her children ??? atthe time of her death. And the said W. N. Carter, his executors,administrators or assigns will convey the same all ???. But it isdistinctly understood by & between the partners that the property herebyconveyed is to be first bound & liable for all the debts due at this timeby the said John L. Henderson and the said Elizabeth Henderson of whichsaid debts there is due about $51 to John Mountjoy. Between $20 & $30 toDoc. H. Stone and about $60 by note including interest to this date toAlexander Mathews now decd late of the State of Maryland which said noteis now in the hands of R. C. L. Moncuse as attorney for collection and towhich reference can be had for the amount. And if the said debts are notpaid when required the said Trustee in this deed is to make sale of somuch of the trust property as will discharge the same with the interestthereon when required by the parties to whom the said debts are due orpayable. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set theirhands and affixed their seals this 14th day of September 1846 his John L.+Henderson seal mark Elizabeth Henderson seal Witness W. P. Conway John Moncuse Stafford County Court September the 14th 1846 An Indenture of trust from John L. Henderson to Willoughby N. Carterfor the benefit of Elizabeth Henderson was this day acknowledged in theoffice by the said John L. Henderson to be his act and deed received incourt and ordered to be recorded. Teste H. H. Conway ???
[12183] Milsteads
[12184] Milsteads Stafford County NN186: Whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be solemnised by the permissionof God by and between Willoughby Newton Carter and Martha Milstead bothof the County of Stafford & State of Virginia and whereas the said MarthaMilstead is possessed of three negroes, Mehala, John, and Adeline, alsoof a certain estate in the property now held by her mother Sarah Milsteadwhich will come into her possession at the death of the said SarahMilstead; and whereas it has been agreed that the said Martha Milsteadshould after her intended marriage receive and enjoy during her life theinterest and occupation of the aforesaid property notwithstanding hercoverture; and also that in the event of her leaving if she surviving herthat the aforesaid property with interest and profits thereof from thedeath of the said Martha Milstead shall be vested in such issues andtheir ??? forever, but in the event of the said Martha Millstead leavingno issue then the said Willoughby Newton Carter shall receive and enjoythe interest and occupation of the said property. Now this indenturewitnesseth that in pursuance of the before recited agreement signed,sealed, and published by the parties therein named as their act and deedthat all the property of the said Martha Millstead which shall come intothe hands of her intended husband Willoughby Newton Carter he shall holdfor the benefit of the said Martha Millstead according to the trueinterests and purposes herein before recited; and that after theSolemnisation of the said intended marriage, the property aforesaid ofthe aforesaid Martha Milstead may not be at the disposal of theWilloughby Newton Carter nor subject to his debts, forfertures norenjoyments. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall preventthe said Martha Millstead from disposing of the aforesaid property afterthe death of the aforesaid Willoughby Newton Carter by will or ??? shehaving no issue. In witness whereof the parties herein named havesubscribed their names and affixed their seals this first day of July inthe year 1843. Willoughby N. Carter seal Martha Milstead seal Willoughby N. Carter Personally appreared before us, Justices of the Peace for the County ofStafford and the State of Virginia, Willoughby N. Carter and MarthaMillstead and acknowledged the annexed marriage articles to be their actand deed and desired the same to be certified to the Clerk of the CountyCourt of Stafford for record. Given under our hands this first day ofJuly 1843. Jno. M. Daniel Travers D. Moncure Stafford County Court Clerk's office July 10th 1843 A marriage contract between Willoughby N. Carter and Martha Milsteadwith the certificate of acknowledgement of the parties thereto endorsedwas this day received in Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste H.H. Cornway ???
[12185] Milsteads
[12186] Milsteads
[12187] Milsteads Mother called "Sumgh" at marriage in 1861
@1 [12170] [S218]
@1 [12181] [S218]
Husband: Gustav Adolf Frech | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | 4 Jun 1919 | at: | Degerloch Wuerttemberg Germany |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Pauline Friederike Enderle | |||
Born: | 6 Feb 1886 | at: | Hoepfigheim, Wuerttemberg, Germany |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Johann Gottlob Enderle | ||
Mother: | Katherine Friederike Spaeth | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Gustav Adolf Frech | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Johann Friedrich Enderle /--Johann Jakob Enderle | \--Katherina Barbara Schempp /--Johann Gottlob Enderle | | /--Johann Christf Sigrist | \--Susanna Barbara Sigrist | \--Friedrike Christine Vohmann |--Pauline Friederike Enderle | /-- | /--Jakob Spaeth | | \-- \--Katherine Friederike Spaeth | /-- \--Dorothea Kraft \--
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