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Husband: Samuel Clagett Sr. | |||
Born: | 31 Jan 1717[93] | at: | Charles, Maryland, United States |
Married: | 1751 | at: | |
Died: | 12 Aug 1756 | at: | Charles, Maryland, USA |
Father: | Richard Claggett Sr. | ||
Mother: | Deborah Dorsey | ||
Notes: | [94] | ||
Wife: Ann Brown | |||
Born: | 1732 | at: | Charles, Maryland, United States |
Died: | 6 Sep 1800 | at: | Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Father: | Gustavus Brown | ||
Mother: | Frances Fowke | ||
Notes: | [95] | ||
Sources: | [96] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Samuel Claggett II [87] [86] [84] | ||
Born: | 1750 | at: | Snow Hill, Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 29 Mar 1821[84] | at: | New Baltimore, Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Spouses: | Amey Jane Ramey |
/--Edward Clagett /--Thomas Clagett I | \--Margaret Adams /--Richard Claggett Sr. | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Samuel Clagett Sr. | /--Edward Dorsey | /--John Dorsey | | \--Anne Howard \--Deborah Dorsey | /--Edward Dorsey \--Pleasance Ely \--Joane Phipps
/--Richard Brown /--Richard Brown | \--/--Gustavus Brown | | /--George Mitchelson | \--Jane (Jean) Mitchelson | \--Isabel Elphinstone |--Ann Brown | /--Gerard Fowke | /--Gerard (Gerrard) Fowke | | \--Anne Thoroughgood \--Frances Fowke | /--Gerard Fowke \--Sarah Burdette \--Verlinda Cotton
[14168] At the Request of Gustavus Brown the following Instrument of writing was Recorded this 4th day of December Anno Domini 1756 Whereas a Marriage has been had and Solemnized between Samuel Clagett of Charles County in the Province of Maryland and Ann the daughter of the Doctor Gustavus Brown of the Same County and Province aforesaid in consideration Whereof the said Gustavus Brown hath Promised and agreed to Advance unto the Said Samuel Clagett Three Hundred Pounds Sterling which Sum it is agreed between the said Samuel Clagett and Gustavus Brown the said Samuel Shall have the use of Complying with the Condition herein After Expressed That is to Say the said Samuel agrees that his Estate both Real & Personal Shall be liable to and Chargeable with the Repaiment of the Same Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling to the said Gustavus Brown his heirs Exrs admn or Assigns in Case of the death of the afsd Samuel before his Said wife in Trust only and for the use of the said Ann & the heirs of her Body Begotten by the said Samuel and it is also agreed that the Said Sum of money so to be Paid out of the Estate of the said Samuel Shall not be deemed by any means to hinder or debate the said Ann from her Right of dower in the lands or the third or any Greater Part of his Personal Estate but that her right thereto Shall be as absolute as if the said Sum was not Subject to be Paid as aforesaid for the uses aforesaid and as the agreement aforesaid is Intended for the Profit and advantage of the Said Ann and the Issue of her Body According to the terms therein Expresed now it is further agreed between the said Samuel and Gustavus that in Case of the death of the said Ann leaving the said Samuel his Exrs admns shall at his decease be Accountable to the Issue of the Said Samuel and Ann if Any for the said Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling and that his Estate Real and Personal Shall after his death be Subject to Stand Security for the said Payment to the said Issue of the said Ann if their Shall be male and female Children at the Choice of the said Samuel and in what Proportion he thinks fit and it is further agreed between the said Samuel & Gustavus that if it Should happen that the said Ann Should die before the Said Samuel without Issue of her body that then and in Such Case the Real and Personal Estate of the said Samuel Shall after his death Stand liable to and Chargeable with the Repayment of the said Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling to the Said Gustavus his Exrs adms or Assigns for the use of one or more of the daughters of the said Gustavus Sisters of the said ann which the said Samuel by any Writing under his hand and Seal Executed in his life time or by his last will Shall direct and Appoint but In case no Such Appointment be made in the life time of the said Samuel then the same Shall be Paid to the Legat Representatives of the said Ann or descendants of the said Gustavus Brown and to Inforce and oblige the said Samuel Clagett his heirs Executors & admns to an Exact Compliance with the foregoing agreement and to bind his Real and Personal with the duty of Discharging the following Bond is Passed Know ____ by these Presents that I Samuel Clagett of Charles County in the Province of Maryland am held and firmly bound unto Gustavus Brown of the County and Province afsd in the full Sum of Six Hundred Pounds Sterling to which Payment well and Truly to be made to the said Gustavus Brown his Heirs Exrs admns or Assigns I bind my Heirs Executors & admns firmly by these Presence Sealed with my Seal and dated the Twenty forth day of January Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred fifty Six The Condition of the above obligation is Such that if the above bound Samuel Cleggett his heirs Exrs admns do in all things well and Truly Perform fulfill and keep all and Every the Parts of the Contracts and agreement before Recited on his Part to be Preformed fulfilled and kept then the above obligation to be utterly void of and of no Effect Else to Stand be and Remain in full force Power & Virtue in Law Signed Sealed & Delivered Saml: Clagett seal in the Presence of Rob: Yates Tyer Thomas at the foot of the above Instrument of writing was thus Indost Vizt: Charles County Sst I Acknowledge to have received from Doctor Gustavus Brown As a Marriage Portion with his daughter Ann my wife Three Hundred pounds Sterling whereupon I Acquitted and fully discharge the said Gustavus Brown his Executors administrators from all Promises Contracts and agreements made to me in Consideration of the said Marriage as witness my hand this 24 day of January Anno Domini 1756 Witness Saml: Clagett Rob: Yates Tyer Thomas
[94] In 1750, the Maryland Assembly voted funds to enlarge and repair Christ Church in William and Mary Parish (in what is now Wayside, Maryland), under the direction of its rector, The Rev. Samuel Clagett.
[95] Ann, the youngest, came from a family of nine sisters, five of which married clergymen. Even after the sisters were married and well into their adulthood, they were known as "The Nine Miss Browns". Charles County Maryland Will Book AF-11, 1791-1801, {Abstract by Mike Marshall}; Page 597. Ann Hanson, Will, April 8, 1800; October 3, 1800 I, Ann Hanson of Fauquier County in the state of Virginia, though infirm in body, being of as sound judgment and understanding as in my ordinary health do make and ordain this my last will and testament Viz. To son Samuel Clagett, all that tract or parcel of land I bought of my son Gustavus Brown Horner, lying in Fauquier County and containing 300 acres. To son Samuel Clagett one other tract or parcel of land which I bought of a certain George Dodson containing 114 acres more or less and one adjoining to the before mentioned tract. I give the above mentioned lands to my son Samuel Clagett his heirs and assigns as an act of Justice because he sustained much loss by my second marriage. To grandson William Edmunds Horner, son of William Horner my house and lott of ground lying at Fauquier Court House with all its a appurtenances to him his heirs and assigns forever. Whereas my son Gustavus Brown Horner has given bond for a sum of money due to myself and children by Robert Horner, I give my share of the said bond both principal and interest to my son Gustavus Brown Horner and whereas I have a bond given by my son William Horner for a considerable sum of tobacco I give the said bond both principal and interest to my said son William Horner. To son John Horner, 50 pounds Virginia currency Understanding that Susannah W. Harris {wife of John A. Harris} grand-daughter of my late husband Samuel Hanson is needy, I give her sole use, and not under the control of her husband, the sum of 50 pounds current money of Maryland. I do this as a return for any expense my late husband Samuel Hanson may have been at on account of my children. To son Gustavus Brown Horner, my universal bible, and a large gold ring with a stone under which same of my sister Threlkelds heirs is set. To Ann Hanson, daughter of Col. Samuel Hanson of Georgetown, my silver shoe buckles set with stone and my gold sleeve buttons. To Mary Horner, wife of my son William, my suit of black satin To Frances Horner, wife of my son Gustavus Brown Horner, my black satin cloak and my laced head clothes. To granddaughters, Frances Horner, Elizabeth Horner and Catharine Horner a tambour muslin gown and all my remaining silk cloaths. To daughters of son Samuel Clagett, all my remaining cloaths. As I own no debts, I expect there will be money sufficient to pay off all the above mentioned legacies, but in case it should be found deficient, it is my will that such deficiency shall be made good out of the rents arising from the lands bequeathed by me to my son Samuel Clagett. To four sons, Samuel Clagett, Gustavus Brown Horner, John Horner, and William Horner, all the residue of my property. Executor: three sons, Samuel Clagett, Gustavus Brown Horner, and William Horner Signed: April 8, 1800 Ann Hanson Wit: Ann Ireland Brown, Gustavus R. Brown, Gustavus Brown Junr.
[87] "He entered the army in the Maryland line on continental establishment, as stated by his widow, in the year 1777 as an Assistant Surgeon (he then being a student of medicine with Doctor Gustavus Richard Brown of Port Tobacco, Maryland) and served until about the middle of February 1780, he then resigned and went to sea. On his return he again entered the service in the same capacity and served to the end of the war. I have often heard him speak of his services as assistant surgeon at the Bethlehem Hospital and Valley Forge, and in the state of New York and other places." --From pension claim W6693, an affidavit by William Horner. DAR Pension Vol. 149. The will book shows that, among other property, Samuel owned four slaves, "1 white horse, 1 dark bay, 22 sheep and 6 lambs, 1 yoke of steers, 1 buffalo cow red" From DAR record #71 795: CLAGGETT, Samuel, esf 1777 Charles Co., MD, while student of medicine at Port Tobacco, MD, as surgeon's mate; settled in VA after RW [Revolutionary War]; dd [died] 4th Monday of March 1821; md [married] 9/15/1785 Amie Jane Ramey of Cameron Parish at Leesburg, Loudoun Co, VA, per her AFF, but MB dated 8/22/1786 per Cc clerk's certificate to court; wid PN ae [widowed pension age] 68 Fauquier Co. VA 1838, per her AFF & dd there 11/10/47 leaving ch: Ferdinand, Christopher, Thomas, Anne W/o Tomlin Bailey, Elizabeth w/o Thomas McCormick, Cecelia w/o John G. Kirby, Sophia w/o Thomas Simpson & Juliet w/o Robert Roach, all liv 1850; d Mary Cooper & s [son] Samuel dd before m [mother] & had ch [children] mbnn liv 1850; AFF 1838 by William Horner ae [age] 69, res [resident] Warrenton VA, high sheriff of Fauquier Co, that he halfbro/o sol [soldier], & also b & reared Charles Co, MD, further his m's s's [mother's sisters] Dr. Samuel Clagett & Dr. Gustavus Horner RW svc together, further his m [mother] Ann also md Samuel Hanson Sr. of Green Hills, Charles Co, MD, further Dr William Brown, RW surgeon, near relative of sol; QLF 1929 from desc Mrs Samuel W Price, Searles, WV; QLF 1904 from gds [grandson] Charles W Cooper, res/o [resident of] Ex-Confederate Soldiers' Home, Richmond, VA, states sol wid [widowed] dd c1848, further querier bro of Mrs Price of Smyth Co, VA. R547 1813-1817 Prince George's County MD Will Book Folio 186 THOMAS JOHN CLAGETT 05/10/1811 09/27/1816 D,D. & Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland "being at this time bodily infirm ..." Bequeaths to: 1. Mary Clagett --wife -to have the testator's silver tea pot and its stand. -to have one third part of all the testator's personal estate and the remainder of the personal estate to be divided equally among the testator's children -it is the testator's desire that his annuity in the separate fund under the direction of the Corporation for the Relief of the Widows & Children of Clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland shouId be received by each of the testator's family as may be entitled to it by the rules of the corporation and that the sum of$IO.00 should be reserved out of the testator's annuity which sum the testator gives to the Charity Fund, 2. Priscilla Elizabeth Chew --daughter -to have the testator's tract of land in Calvert County being part of "Hall's Hills" which the testator purchased from David Weems and Daniel Keat and also to have a piece of woodland adjoining thereto being part of "Grantham" which the testator purchased from the said David Weems and Daniel Keat cont. in the whole 130 acres -to have the testator's 1/2 lot of land in the Town of Lower Marlborough in Calvert County and the testator's house and lot in the Town of Pigg Point in Anne Arundel County 3. Samuel Clagett --son -to have all the tract of land called "Croom" except what is hereafter devised to the testator's daughter Elizabeth as well as part of it which the testator inherited from his father and those parts which the testator purchased from John R. Magruder and of William Beanes and excepting 1 acre which is to be laid off in a parallelogram to comprehend the whole of the ridge of Cherry Walk Hill and to begin at a spreading cedar tree near the main road on the said hill a part of which near the tree the testator has consecrated and the whole of which the testator desires may be kept as a sacred depository for the bodies of such descendants of the testator that may wish to be buried there -also the whole of the land the testator purchased from Richard Clagett on St. Charles's Branch and comprehending the testator's meadow and also part of the "Lob" and saw mill which the testator holds jointly with the heirs of Joseph Smith and Judson Scott and the testator desires that he keep the agreement between the testator and Judson Scott and should he die w/out heirs, then to the testator's sons Thomas John and Charles Nicholas Clagett -to have all that part of a tract of land called "Pitchcroft" which the testator purchased from his niece Elizabeth Reynolds and her husband Thomas -to have testator's largest family Bible, quart silver tankard which has the family arms, a mourning gold ring which the testator has for father Reynolds --to have on condition -to have the one remaining share which the tesator holds in the Washington Tontine commensurate with the life of the testator's son Charles Nicholas -to have 2 of the shares which the testator held in Samuel's name in the Union Bank of Maryland -named executor of the will 3. Elizabeth Laura (Clagett?) --daughter -testator's son Samuel to have the land "Pitchcroft" on the condition he pay her the sum of $1000.00 within 12 months after testator's death and should he refuse then she to have the said tract of land. -to have the testator's part of a tract of land called "Pitchcroft" which the testator purchased from Thomas Hamilton cont. 96 acres adjoining the tract of land "Croom." -to have 25 acres of the land "Croom" to be laid off in a triangle from the third tree of "Croom" commonly called the crab tree equidistant from the 2nd line of "Croom" reversed and the direct line of division between the testator's part of "Croom" and that held by Mr. Edward Scott and should she die w/out heirs, then to the testator's son Samuel -to have the gold mourning ring for her late sister Elizabeth and after the death of testator's widow, to have all th residue of the silver plate and the testator's folio volume of Burkitt on the New Testament -out of the testator's fund, to have the sum of $1000.00 over and above her share as a residuary legatee -to have 22 of the testator's shares in the Washington Tontine and also to have 7 shares which the testator holds in the said Tontine commensurate with the life of the testator's son Charles Nicholas 4. Thomas John Clagett --son -to have all the testators lands lying near the Maryland Track in Frederick County and well as those lands and marsh etc. adjoining supposed to cont. 500 acres and should he die w/out issue then to testator's son Charles Nicholas and also to have the lands and meadow on the condition that he pay Charles within 2 years following testator's death the sum of $2000.00 and should he refuse, then the said land to be sold and the sum of money for the sale to be paid to Charles Nicholas. -tohave the testator's new Bible and mourning ring of the testator's late friend John Hall and to have after the death of his mother --to have the testator's other quart silver tankard, gold sleeve buttons, and good Bishop Hall's works -to have 2 shares of the testator's stock in the Union Bank of Maryland 5. Charles Nicholas Clagett --son -to have the tract of land lying near Frederick Town in Frederick County called ""Lambeth" with all lands adjoining cont. 250 acres -to have the testator's silver pint can and also the mourning ring the testator has for Charles's late grandfather the late Mr. Edward Gantt -to have 7 of the remaining shares which the testator holds in the Washington Tontine commensurate with his own life. 6. Mary Clagett Chew--granddaughter Priscilla Elizabeth Chew --granddaughter {daughters of daughter Priscilla Chew) -to have all the testator's lands in Washington County lying near Hancock being part of a tract of land called "The Resurvey on Mount Pleasant" cont. upwards of 600 acres and purchased by the testator from Benjamin Oden -Charles, Priscilla, Samuel, John and Elizabeth to have all the residue of the testator's land in Randolph County, Virginia as tenants in common and to be held by them as tenants in common -Priscilla to have the 1/2 guinea which the testator has long kept as a memento of his friendship with the late Dr. John Hamilton and also the precious silver shilling left the testator by his dear mother and to have after widows death moiety of all the testator's silver plate not already given and the testator's folio volume of the Bishop Wilson's works 7. Samuel Clagett --brother of Fauquier County, Virginia ~to have 200 acres of land of the largest tract of land the testator has in Handcock County to be laid off to him by a straight line drawn westerly across the said tract and on that part of it which lies highest up the branch called Big Sandy Creek 8. Samuel Chew --grandson -testator's three grandchildren, including Mary Clagett Chew and Priscilla Elizabeth Chew to have 3 of the shares which the testator holds in the Washington Tontine commensurate with the life of testator's daughter Elizabeth Laura to each--one share. Witnesses: R. W. West John Read Magruder, Jr. Richard Burgess Then came: Richard West and John Read Magruder, Jr. Note: the testator signed the will in his own hand
@1 [93] [S43]
@1 [96] [S44]
@1 [86] [S39]
@1 [84] [S38]
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