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Husband: Nathaniel Phelps | |||
Born: | ABT 1625 | at: | Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England |
Married: | 17 Sep 1650 | at: | Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, Massachusetts, u.S. |
Died: | 17 May 1702 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | William Phelps | ||
Mother: | Mary | ||
Notes: | [677] | ||
Sources: | [678] | ||
Wife: Elizabeth Copley | |||
Born: | 14 Feb 1629 | at: | EnglandWindsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Died: | 6 Dec 1712[3684] | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | Thomas Copley | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Griswold | ||
Sources: | [3684] [3685] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Mary Phelps [4313] | ||
Born: | 21 Jun 1651 | at: | Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 15 Apr 1687 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire Co., Ma |
Spouses: | Matthew Closson | ||
Name: | Nathanial Phelps [471] [470] [472] | ||
Born: | 6 Dec 1654[470] | at: | Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 19 Jun 1723 | at: | Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States |
Spouses: | Grace Martin | ||
Name: | Abigail Phelps [4314] | ||
Born: | 5 Apr 1655 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 16 Aug 1756 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Spouses: | John Alvord | ||
Name: | William Phelps [8406] | ||
Born: | 22 Jun 1657 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 1 Jun 1745 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Spouses: | Abigail Stebbins | ||
Name: | Thomas Phelps [3690] | ||
Born: | 20 May 1661 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Mercy Phelps [4316] | ||
Born: | 16 May 1662 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | 15 Jul 1662 | at: | Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /--William Phelps | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Nathaniel Phelps | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Mary | /-- \-- \--
/--Philip Copley /--John Copley | \--Mary Hastings /--Thomas Copley | | /--Ralph Angier | \--Jane Angier | \--Jane |--Elizabeth Copley | /-- | /--Edward Griswold | | \-- \--Elizabeth Griswold | /-- \--Minerva Edwina Griswold \--
[677] NATHANIEL PHELPS, b. England about 1627, emigrated to New England with his father, settling in Dorchester, Mass., wikth his father, removing to Windsor, Ct., in 1635-6, where he m. Elizabeth Copley, 17th Sept., 1650 She was an English lady.
Says the Hon. James H. Phelps of Townshend, Vt., a descendant of this family: "A descendant of the family of Elizabeth Copley, in England was the celebrated artist, John Cop ley, father of Lord Lyndhurst, who on the 30th of April, 1827: became Lord Chancellor of England." Lord Lyndhurst appears to have no knowledge of this connection, as may be seen from his letter herewith attached. As this connection must be traced back over two hundred years, there is no reason to doubt the same. Mrs. Phelps died in Northampton, Mass., 6th Dec., 1712, some ten years after her husband. Her will probated in Northampton, Vol. 11, 1678-1716. Reference is made to her sons Nathaniel and William Phelps, who are to have the land her husband left her, to be divided equally between them. Her homestead also to be divided between them, Nathaniel to have the side he lives in, and William the other side. To Abigal 50 pounds; to the children of Matthew and Mary Closson 5 pound each; to her son-in-law, Matthew Closson, 10 shillings; to Thomas Copley 3 pounds; to Samuel and John Lankton 20 shillings each.
Mr. Phelps resided on the Orton place opposite his father's homestead, which he purchased of his brother Samuel. Here he resided up to 1656-7, when he removed with part of his family to Northampton, Mass., one of its first settlers. Says Stiles: " He was a pious man of good intellect, and of a sound, discriminating judgment-was one of the first deacons of the N. Church. His homestead was occupied by him for 43 years, and by his descendants until 1835. " His homestead comprised the land which was over fifty years ago occupied by Miss Margaret Dwight's school, and which at a later date was the College Institute of J. J. Dudley, Esq., and which is now Shady Lawn. The old homestead stood a few rods north of that edifice. (Clark's Northampton Antiquity) -
Although Mr. Phelps, removed to Northampton in 1656-7, we find him paying slip rent in Windsor 4th Jan., 1659.
Feb. 8th, 1679, Dea. Nathaniel Phelps, with his sons Nathaniel Jr. and William, took the oath of allegiance before Worshipful Maj. Pynchon.
May 11th, 1681, he was made a freeman by the General Court at Boston.
He died in Norhtamption May 27th, 1702, aged 75 years, honored and respected.
NATHANIEL PHELPS, bp. 6 March 1624/5 at Crewkerne, d. 27 May 1702 at Northampton, Mass.;[1] m. on 17 September 1650 at Windsor ELIZABETH COPLEY,[2] widow, d. 6 December 1719 at Northampton.[3]
Nathaniel Phelps was one of the original settlers of Northampton and on 18 March 1657/58 was one of signatories on a petition to the General Court requesting (1) a settled minister, and (2) help in reducing drunkenness.[4] On 6 January 1658/9 he gave three acres of land for the use of the ministry[5] and on 18 April 1661 signed the covenant of the church[6] and was one of the first deacons.[7] In 1663 he was listed as owner of Home Lot 4, Meadowland 29.[8]
On 27 March 1676 the "wife of Nathaniel Phelps" was among 23 persons presented at the court in Northampton for "wearing silk in a flaunting manner and for long hair and other extravagance contrary to honest and sober order, and demeanor not becoming a wilderness state, at least the profession for Christianity and religion."[9] On 9 February 1679 Deacon Nathaniel, with sons Nathaniel and William, took the oath of allegiance before Worshipful Major Pynchon.[10] On 11 February 1679/80 he was sworn in as tithing-man.[11] On 11 May 1681 he was sworn in as freeman by the General Court in Boston.[12] On the 21 May 1688 there was a town resolution "to Rectifie and Record that Highway that Goeth up to Mr. Stoddard's house: Between Deacon Phelps & goodman miller lots."[13] In the town record he is listed as having donated five pounds of flax for the support of Harvard College.[14]
Elizabeth (Copley) Phelps's will, according to Stiles, divided "house and lands equally between her sons Nathaniel and William; to her dau. Abigail £ 30; to children of Matthew and Mary Clossen £ 5 each, to her son-in-law, Matthew Closson, 10s; to Thomas Copley £ 3, to Samuel and John Lankton 30s each."[15]
1 Myrtle Stevens Hyde, "The English Origin of William Phelps," citing James Buckman, comp., "Northampton Deaths," in Forbes Library, Northampton, 13. For William see PHELPS I in these Notes.
2 Henry R. Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor … (Hartford, Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwood and Brainard, 1892), 565; Register 64 (1910), 248 and fn. [no.??] only note so far as I know; in those days they did not use footnotes for references, referring to Thomas Copley, son, and daughter of Elizabeth Copley.
3 Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor 565.
4 James Russell Trumbull, History of Northampton from Its Settlement in 1654 (Northampton, Mass.,1898), 58--9.
5 Ibid.
6 Trumbull, History of Northampton from Its Settlement in 1654. 106--7.
7 Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor 565.
8 Trumbull, History of Northampton from Its Settlement in 1654. 144--5.
9 Ibid., 290--1.
10 Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor 565.
11 Trumbull, History of Northampton from Its Settlement in 1654. 274.
12 Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor 565.
13 Trumbull, History of Northampton from Its Settlement in 1654. 391.
14 Ibid., 501.
15 Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor 565.
(Courtesy Peter H. Judd)
[471] In his will, dated 1719, Nathaniel directed his sons Samuel and Nathaniel to help their brother Timothy to build a house if he settled in the town. The will also mentions daughters Lydia, Abigail, Sarah, Grace, and Elizabeth. [Stiles, The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor p 565]
@1 [14229] [S85]
@1 [678] [S44]
@1 [3684] [S343]
@1 [3685] [S44]
@1 [4313] [S44]
@1 [470] [S80]
@1 [472] [S44]
@1 [4314] [S44]
@1 [8406] [S44]
@1 [3690] [S44]
@1 [4316] [S44]
Husband: Charles Phelps | |||
Born: | 26 Jul 1702 | at: | Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, United States |
Married: | 26 Feb 1725 | at: | |
Died: | 18 Oct 1787 | at: | Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, United States |
Father: | Timothy Phelps Jr. | ||
Mother: | Martha Crow | ||
Sources: | [683] | ||
Wife: Hepsibah Stiles | |||
Born: | 7 Nov 1709 | at: | Boxford, Essex Co., Massachusetts |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Zuriah Phelps | ||
Born: | 3 Apr 1729 | at: | Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--William Phelps /--Timothy Phelps | \--Ann Dover /--Timothy Phelps Jr. | | /--Edward Griswold | \--Mary Griswold | \--Margaret Blencow |--Charles Phelps | /-- | /--Christopher Crow | | \-- \--Martha Crow | /-- \--Mary Burr \--Anne or Hanna Hanna
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Hepsibah Stiles | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [683] [S44]
Husband: Johann Heinrich Otterbach | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Agnes Brumback | |||
Born: | 1720 | at: | Prince William Co., Virginia, USA |
Died: | 1790 | at: | Fauquier or Culpeper Co., Virginia, USA |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Harmon Otterbach [1871] | ||
Born: | 1746 | at: | Old Germantown, Fauquier or Prince William Co., Virginia, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | ABT 11 Jul 1826 | at: | Faquier County, Virginia, USA |
Spouses: | Elizabeth Crump |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Johann Heinrich Otterbach | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Agnes Brumback | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[1871] He is found in Henning's "List of Continental Troops" between 1776 and 1782 in US, Virginia. He appeared on the census in 1820 in US, Virginia, Fauquier County.
-- Source: The Utterback Family Online (
Husband: Henry Tudor VIII King of England | |||
Born: | 28 Jun 1491 | at: | Greenwich Palace, Greenwich, Kent, England |
Married: | NOT MARRIED | at: | |
Died: | 28 Jan 1547 | at: | Whitehall, Westminster, Middlesex, England |
Father: | Henry Tudor VII King of England | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Plantagenet Queen of England | ||
Sources: | [2164] | ||
Wife: Elizabeth Blount | |||
Born: | ABT 1502 | at: | |
Died: | ABT 1540 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Henry FitzRoy, Tudor Duke of Richmond | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--Owen Tudor /--Edmund Tudor | \--Katherine Valois /--Henry Tudor VII King of England | | /--John Beaufort Duke of Sommerset | \--Margaret Beaufort | \--Margaret Beauchamp |--Henry Tudor VIII King of England | /--Richard Plantagenet Third Duke of York | /--Edward Plantagenet King of England, Norway, Sweden | | \--Cecily Neville \--Elizabeth Plantagenet Queen of England | /--Richard Plantagenet Third Duke of York \--Elizabeth Wydeville \--Jacquette de Jacqueline de Luxembourg
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Elizabeth Blount | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [2164] [S44]
Husband: William Clopton | |||
Born: | ABT 1170 | at: | of Clopton Hall, Wickambrook, Suffolk, England |
Married: | ABT 1194 | at: | , Suffolk, Englandand |
Died: | AFT 1216 | at: | of Clopton Hall, Wickambrook, Suffolk, England |
Father: | Walter (de Cloptone) Clopton | ||
Mother: | Chewyt | ||
Sources: | [2407] | ||
Wife: Cockerell | |||
Born: | ABT 1170 | at: | Clopton Hall, Wickhambrook, Suffolk, England |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | William Cockerell | ||
Mother: | |||
Sources: | [2408] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Walter (William) (de Cloptone) Clopton [2405] | ||
Born: | ABT 1195 | at: | Wickhambrook, Suffolk, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | Wickhambrook, Suffolk, England | |
Spouses: | Frances Trussell | ||
Name: | Richard (de Cloptone) Clopton [2409] | ||
Born: | ABT 1197 | at: | Clopton H All, Wickhambrook, Suffolk, England |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/--Guillaume Peche Lord of Cloptunna and Dalham /--William (de Cloptone) Clopton | \-- Alfwen /--Walter (de Cloptone) Clopton | | /--John Grey | \--Anne Grey | \-- |--William Clopton | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- Chewyt | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /--William Cockerell | | /-- | \-- | \-- |-- Cockerell | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [2407] [S44]
@1 [2408] [S44]
@1 [2405] [S44]
@1 [2409] [S44]
Husband: Robert Pease | |||
Born: | 14 Mar 1656 | at: | Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Married: | 16 Dec 1678 | at: | Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | 21 Jul 1744 | at: | Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Father: | John Pease | ||
Mother: | Mary Goodale | ||
Sources: | [7305] | ||
Wife: Abigail Randall | |||
Born: | ABT 1657 | at: | Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | AFT 22 Sep 1743 | at: | |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Samuel Pease | ||
Born: | 4 Feb 1718 | at: | Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 1801 | at: | |
Spouses: | Elizabeth Warner |
/-- /-- | \-- /--John Pease | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Robert Pease | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Mary Goodale | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Abigail Randall | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [7305] [S44]
Husband: George Middelton | |||
Born: | at: | Dalkieth, Scotland | |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Sources: | [13832] | Wife: (--?--) | |
Children | |||
Name: |
| ||
Born: | ABT 1614 | at: | of Dalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Richard Brown |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--George Middelton | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [13832] [S144]
@1 [9295] [S44]
@1 [9296] [S144]
Husband: Joseph Walter Schultz | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | at: | ||
Mother: | at: | ||
Wife: Laura Lee Ivan | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | at: | ||
Mother: | at: | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Benjamin Gerard Schultz [9520] | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Joseph Walter Schultz | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /--Larry Edward Ivan | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Laura Lee Ivan | /--Floyd Laverne Burnor | /--Max Edison Burnor | | \--Edna Elizabeth Opel \--Judith Ann Burnor | /--Floyd Laverne Burnor \--Virginia Jane Tiede \--
[9519] This person is presumed living.
[9428] This person is presumed living.
[9520] This person is presumed living.
Husband: Emil Carl Backhaus | |||
Born: | 13 Jun 1885 | at: | Wayne, Washington, Wisconsin, USA |
Married: | 22 Nov 1916 | at: | Washington, Wisconsin, United States |
Died: | 4 Sep 1964 | at: | Wayne, Washington, Wisconsin, United States |
Father: | Friedrich Wilhelm Edward Backhaus | ||
Mother: | Catharina N. Terlinden | ||
Notes: | [11366] | ||
Wife: Olivia Louisa Kibbel | |||
Born: | 16 Oct 1892 | at: | Kohlsville, Washington, Wisconsin, USA |
Died: | 8 Dec 1923 | at: | Washington, Wisconsin, United States |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [11374] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Vinelda Ottilie Backhaus | ||
Born: | 15 Jul 1919 | at: | Washington, Wisconsin, United States |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | ABT 1973 | at: | Wayne, Washington, Wisconsin, United States |
Spouses: | Ludwig G. Schaub |
/--Peter Backhaus /--Christian Friedrich Backhaus | \--Louise Manteufel /--Friedrich Wilhelm Edward Backhaus | | /--Carl Krueger | \--Charlotta Regina Louisa Krueger | \--Amelia |--Emil Carl Backhaus | /--Peter Terlinden | /--Johann Philip Terlinden Sr. | | \--Catharina Otten \--Catharina N. Terlinden | /--Peter Terlinden \--Catharina Scheid \--Maria Catharina Weisskopf
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Olivia Louisa Kibbel | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
From Nancy Verhelst:
Emil made his home with his daughter, Vinelda and son-in-law, LudwigSchaub for several years. He had been a patient at Lutheran Hospital inBeaver Dam for 14 months. He was a farmer all of his life.
[11374] Olivia died of diabetes and her daughter, Vinelda was then raised byCatharine (Terlinden) Backhaus which was Vinelda's Grandma at that time.
Husband: Johann Wilhelm Gärtner | |||
Born: | 31 Jul 1677 | at: | Heidenrod-Zorn get., Germany |
Married: | 24 May 1698 | at: | Heidenrod-Zorn |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Wife: Anna Elisabetha Bremser | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | Johann Gerlach Brömser | ||
Mother: | Anna Catharina Eckel | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Johann Wilhelm Gärtner | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Emmerich Brömser /--Johann Philipp Brömser | \--Eva /--Johann Gerlach Brömser | | /-- | \--Anna Margarethe | \-- |--Anna Elisabetha Bremser | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Anna Catharina Eckel | /-- \-- \--
Husband: Elisha Noble | |||
Born: | 1703 | at: | |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 1771 | at: | |
Father: | Matthew Noble | ||
Mother: | Hannah Dewey | ||
Wife: Abigail Warner | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children |
/--Thomas Noble /--Thomas Noble | \--Rachel Gardner /--Matthew Noble | | /--William Warriner | \--Hannah Warriner | \--Joanna (Searle) Scant |--Elisha Noble | /-- | /--Thomas Dewey II | | \-- \--Hannah Dewey | /-- \--Constant Hawes \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Abigail Warner | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: George Marshall Kiddoo | |||
Born: | 29 Feb 1856 | at: | Monmouth, Warren, Illinois |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 8 Jul 1930 | at: | |
Father: | William Kiddoo | ||
Mother: | Drusilla Estep | ||
Notes: | [13172] | ||
Sources: | [13173] | ||
Wife: Elizabeth | |||
Born: | 1856[13755] | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children | |||
Name: | Claude Kiddoo [13756] | ||
Born: | Jan 1880[13756] | at: | |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /--William Kiddoo | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--George Marshall Kiddoo | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Drusilla Estep | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Elizabeth | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
[13172] George is shown living one house away from his father in 1880 census.
@1 [13173] [S280]
@1 [13755] [S635]
@1 [13756] [S635]
Husband: James Holbrook Kilfoyle | |||
Born: | 1805 | at: | Ballyraggett, Co. Kilkenny, Ire. |
Married: | 10 May 1855 | at: | Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Died: | 6 Jul 1871 | at: | Wellsville, Cache, Utah, USA |
Father: | Francis Kilfoyle | ||
Mother: | Jane (Kilfoyle) Holbrook | Wife: (--?--) | |
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /--Francis Kilfoyle | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--James Holbrook Kilfoyle | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Jane (Kilfoyle) Holbrook | /-- \-- \--
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