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Husband: Robert Phelps | |||
Born: | BEF 1505 | at: | |
Married: | BEF 1525 | at: | |
Died: | 22 Oct 1544 | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [9982] | ||
Wife: Alice | |||
Born: | BEF 1505 | at: | |
Died: | ABT 6 Dec 1557 | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Notes: | [9983] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Florisse Phelps [9989] [9986] [9987] [9988] [9990] | ||
Born: | BEF 1525[9986] | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 15 Apr 1586[9987] [9988] | at: | Chaceley, Gloucestershire, England |
Spouses: | Elizabeth Roberts, Johane | ||
Name: | Mergeret Phelps [10083] | ||
Born: | BEF 1530 | at: | of Chaceley, Worcester, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Thomas Tonye | ||
Name: | John Phelps [10028] | ||
Born: | BEF 1535 | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | Elizabeth Bruer | ||
Name: | Thomas Phelps [10035] [10036] [10037] | ||
Born: | BEF 1536[10035] | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Died: | AFT 1585[10036] | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Nycklas Phelps [10078] [10079] [10080] | ||
Born: | BEF 1536[10078] | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | AFT 1585[10079] | at: | |
Spouses: | Margaret Phelps | ||
Name: | Ane Phelps [10088] [10089] | ||
Born: | BEF 1536[10088] | at: | Chaceley, Gloucestershire, England |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | James Phelps [498] [496] [499] | ||
Born: | ABT 1539[496] | at: | Chaceley, Worcestershire, England |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 10 May 1588 | at: | Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England |
Spouses: | Joan | ||
Name: | William Phelps | ||
Born: | 1541 | at: | Chaceley, Gloucestershire, England |
Died: | 1541 | at: | Chaceley, Gloucestershire, England |
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Robert Phelps | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Alice | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
1544 purchased Chaceley Manor from George Throckmorton of Deerhurst.
Chaddesleia (xii century); Chaddeslega (xiii century); Chaseley (xvii century).
Chaceley is a small parish on the right bank of the Severn opposite Deerhurst. It is situated at the southern extremity of the county of Worcester.
In 1543 the manor of Chaceley, formerly belonging to the priory in Little Malvern, was granted in fee to George Throckmorton of Deerhurst, and was alienated by him in the following year to Robert Phelps, his tenant. Robert died in 1544 and in 1545 his son Florence Phelps had livery of his lands. Florence died in 1586 seised of the Manor of Chaceley, and his son William Phelps had livery of the manor in 1589. He died in 1612, and was succeeded by his son Robert, who, with Dorthea his wife, conveyed the manor of Chaceley in 1626 to Christopher Helme. He sold it in 1653 to Samuel Phelps, whose will is dated 1670; his property appears to have passed to heiresses, viz., Dorothy Willett, widow Mary Phelps and Alderwife of George Wickes.
-- A History of Worcestershire, Vol iv, page 54.
[9983] Alles Phellps, als. Phelps
Chasseley, Worcester, England
Dated: 7 December 1557
Inventory: 25 April 1560
Proven: 27 May 1560
In the name of god amen the vjth daye of December in the year of our lord god a thousand five hundred fyfty & seven.
I Alice Phellps of Chasseley in the diocese & countie of Wor'ter, wydowof good and perfect mynd & remembrance thankes be to allmighty god domake thys my testament and last wyll in man'r & forme folowyng.
First I bequethe my solle to allmyghty god. To our blessed Lady Saint Mary the vyrgyn & to all the blessed company of Sayntes in heaven & my bodii to be buryed in the churchyard of Chasseley aforsayd att Wor'r.
I geve & bequethe to Floryces Phellps my eldest sone the grettyst brassepots yt I have & my second brass pane the best washer & my harvest gyrdell a fether bedde wych I the sayd Alles found in my dwellyng housse in Chasseley and I wyll that the sayd harveste gyrdell shall remayne aft'e my sayd sone Floryces Phellps decesse to hys heyres.
Allso I geve & bequethe to Jhon Phellps, Thomas Phellps, James Phellps, Nycklas Phellps, Margaret & Ane my other chldren to eyvery of them onspone of syllver
Allso I geve & bequethe and allso assyn to Thomas Phellps my son Nycklas Phellps & Ane my daughter all yt my s_ate kettell __rest & forme of yeares wyche I the sayd Alles huwe of & in an teassow or pastuer callyed howersasst vj yards & toe hallfe aceres of meadow in hookewey ___ lyng &beyng ___ in the fryche as byrley in the countte of Glocster together w'tthe intents of the same to have and to hold all the sayd sta_s tytell &interests & _eame of yeares of & in the sayd p'mysses together w't thesayd indenter as to Ye sayd Thomas Phyllps Nycklas Phyllps & Ane Phellps& to theyer assynes in as amplle & large maner as I the same AllicePhellps the same p'myssys hathe yeldyng & payng the rent mencionyd in ye sayd Indenteuer & fullfyllyent all others tenantes mentionyd in the same indenteurs.
Allso I geve & bequethe to Margaret Toney my daughter my best gowne of wast_e.
Allso I geve & bequeth to Ane Phellps my daughter all my other wearyng apparrell
The resydowe of all and synggular my goodes & cattelle above not gevennor bequethed my leagacyes & funerall charges payd I geve & bequethe to Thomas Phellps, Nychlas Phellps & Ane Phellps my sayd sonnes & dauhter whom I make myne executors to the intent yt they shall dysposse ye sameas they shall thyncke wise & convenyent
Wytnesse here unto Wyllyam Kyngt curate Rychard Chylds, Thomas Belle wtothers///
Proven xvij dei May anno Dom 1560
The inventory of the goods of Alys Phelpys presyd by Wyllym Bradford &Rycherd Chylds the xxv daye of Aprill the yere of our lord god
--Worcester, England Wills and Administrations LDS Roll, 1560,0097898, Reviewed Jan 02, 2001
In about 1545/1585 Had livery of his father's lands at Chaceley Manor.
In 1543 the manor of Chaceley, formerly belonging to the priory in LittleMalvern, was granted in fee to George Throckmorton of Deerhurst, and was alienated by him in the following year to Robert Phelps, his tenant. Robert died in 1544 and in 1545 his son Florence Phelps had livery of his lands. Florence died in 1586 seised of the Manor of Chaceley, and his son William Phelps had livery of the manor in 1589. He died in 1612, and was succeeded by his son Robert, who, with Dorthea his wife, conveyed the manor of Chaceley in 1626 to Christopher Helme. He sold it in 1653 to Samuel Phelps, whose will is dated 1670; his property appears to have passed to heiresses, viz., Dorothy Willett, widow Mary Phelps and Alder wife of George Wickes.
-- A History of Worcestershire, Vol iv, page 54.
Florisse Phillips, als. Phelps
Chatisley, Worcester, England
Dated: 1 December 1585
Inventory: 15 April, 1586
Proven: June 1586
In the name of god amen th efirst day of Decemb'r in the xxviij th yearof the rayne of our sov'aign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god ofEngland, France & Ireland...
I Florisse Phillips als. Phelps of chatisley als Chaseley in the dioses &countie of Worstershire ...
Item I geve & bequeth my body to be buryed at the Channrell dore in thechurchyard of Chaseley aforesayd.
Item I geve & bequeth to be dystributed to the poore of the sayd parysh....
Item I geve & bequeth to Will'm Phillips my sonne my best ....
Item I geve & bequeth to Margery Clark my daughter twenty pounds lawfullmoney of England to be paid unto her by my executors within one yeareand a halph year after my decease.
Item I geve & bequeth to Richard Phillips my sonne ...
Item I geve & bequeth to Nycholas Phillyps my sonne ...
Item I geve & bequeth to John Phillyps my sonne...
Item I geve & bequeth to Charles Phylypps my sonne ...
Item I geve & bequeth to Thomas Phillypps my sonne...
Item I geve & bequeth to Robert Phylyps my other sonne ...
Item I geve & bequeth to Alys Phillips my daughter ...
Item I geve & bequeth to Mary Phillips my other daughter ...
And further my will and meanyng is that the lagacies by me geven to mysonne Richard shall be delyverd & paid to hym within three years nextafter my decease.
And the legacies given to my sonne Nicholas & my daughter Alys shall bepaid and delyveryd to them within syx years next after my decease.
And the legacies given & bequeathed to my sonne John & my daughter Maryshall be paid and delyveryd to them within seven years next after mydecease.
And the legacies given & bequeathed to my sonns Charles, Thomas & RobertPhylype to be paid to them in manner & form folowing, that is to say atshuch tyme as they shall senally accomplysh the full age of xxj years andfurther my wyll that if any of my said chyldren do hapen to dye beforesuch times as these my legacies to them or any of them by me given &bequethed should be paid ...
I do mak constitute or dayne & appoynt Johane Phillips my wyfe to be mysole executrix...
And finally I do constitute & appoynt & hartily____ Thomas Cate, JohnReshell, Thomas Phelps, James Phelps, Nicholas Phelps and Will'm Johnsonto be overseers of this my last will & testament & to see this will to beperformed & executed in __ truly accordyng to the true meanyng therf asI do trust them .
The inventory of the goods and cattells of Floriss Phelpes of Chaseleydeceased, taken the xvth day of April 1586 by Nycholas Phelps and WilliamJohnsons,
Worcester, England Wills and Administrations LDS Roll, 1586, 0097932, #30 Reviewed Oct. 06, 1999
[498] Says Prerogative Court of Canterbury, administrations 1587-1591, page 60. "May 10th, 1588, commission issued to Joan Phelps, relict of James Phelps, late of Tewkesbury, deceased, to administer the goods and chattels of said deceased."
@1 [9986] [S534]
@1 [9987] [S535]
@1 [9988] [S536]
@1 [9990] [S534]
@1 [10083] [S534]
@1 [10028] [S534]
@1 [10035] [S534]
@1 [10036] [S532]
@1 [10037] [S534]
@1 [10078] [S534]
@1 [10079] [S532]
@1 [10080] [S534]
@1 [10088] [S534]
@1 [10089] [S534]
@1 [496] [S80]
@1 [499] [S142]
Husband: Josiah Phelps | |||
Born: | 16 Dec 1667[700] | at: | Poquonock, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 15 May 1669 | at: | Poquonock, Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Father: | Samuel Phelps | ||
Mother: | Sarah Griswold | ||
Sources: | [700] [701] | ||
Wife: Sarah Winchell | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Children |
/-- /--William Phelps | \-- /--Samuel Phelps | | /-- | \--Mary | \-- |--Josiah Phelps | /--George Henry Griswold | /--Edward Griswold | | \--Dorothy James \--Sarah Griswold | /--George Henry Griswold \--Margaret Blencow \--Mary Wallison
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Sarah Winchell | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
@1 [700] [S80]
@1 [701] [S44]
Husband: William Francis | |||
Born: | 22 Apr 1816[850] | at: | New Baltimore, Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Married: | 29 Feb 1848 | at: | Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Died: | 27 May 1874 | at: | New Baltimore, Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Father: | Andrew Francis | ||
Mother: | Elizabeth Hume | ||
Notes: | [851] | ||
Sources: | [850] [852] | ||
Wife: Frances Caroline Claggett | |||
Born: | 14 Mar 1830[1753] | at: | New Baltimore, Fauquier, Virginia, United States |
Died: | 3 Dec 1901[1754] | at: | Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Father: | Samuel Claggett III | ||
Mother: | Julia Frances Sanford | ||
Notes: | [1756] | ||
Sources: | [1753] [1754] [1757] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | William A. B. Francis [858] | ||
Born: | 1850 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Francisco Antonio Francis [1716] | ||
Born: | ABT 1851 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Elizabeth Hume Francis [1684] | ||
Born: | 2 Apr 1853 | at: | Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Died: | 14 Jul 1936 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Joseph A. Francis [777] | ||
Born: | 25 Dec 1856 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | 12 Sep 1926 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | James A. Francis [1805] | ||
Born: | ABT 1858 | at: | , Fq, Virginia, USA |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Ernest P. Francis [1806] | ||
Born: | ABT 1860 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Bartow Francis [1807] | ||
Born: | ABT 1861 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Henry Howard Francis [1808] | ||
Born: | 9 Sep 1862 | at: | Virginia, United States |
Died: | 5 Sep 1928 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Sarah A Francis [1809] | ||
Born: | 20 Oct 1864 | at: | , Faquier, Virginia, USA |
Died: | 13 Mar 1939 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Edgar Francis [1810] | ||
Born: | 27 Oct 1866 | at: | , Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Died: | 24 Apr 1939 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Fannie Franklin Francis [853] [854] | ||
Born: | 4 Sep 1872 | at: | Fauquier, Virginia, USA |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 27 Mar 1947 | at: | |
Spouses: | Howard Clinton Ball, Harrison |
/-- /-- | \-- /--Andrew Francis | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--William Francis | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Elizabeth Hume | /-- \-- \--
/--Samuel Clagett Sr. /--Samuel Claggett II | \--Ann Brown /--Samuel Claggett III | | /--Jacob Ramey | \--Amey Jane Ramey | \--Elizabeth Lane |--Frances Caroline Claggett | /--Robert Sanford Jr. | /--Thomas Sanford | | \--Jane Sanders \--Julia Frances Sanford | /--Robert Sanford Jr. \--Kesiah Wilson \--
[851] BIOGRAPHY: Francis was a listed as a wheel wright in the 1850 census, and a wagon maker in the 1860 census.
[1756] Obituary
Dec. 3, of paralysis, Mrs. Fannie C. Francis, wife of Wm. Francis deceased, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Nathanial Harrison near Doddsville, Fauquier county in the 72nd year of her age. She had been in failing health for a number of years which developed in heart trouble and paralysis from which she died. She was an affectionate mother and a kind neighbor, a warm friend and was loved by all who knew her. In early life she gave her heart and life to God and connected herself with the Broad Run Baptist Church, from which she was laid to rest in Warrenton Cemetery.
Rev. F. R. Boston of the Baptist Church officiating at the burial services, there to await the final summons, and to received from the Master the plaudit of, "well done thou good and faithful servant." She leaves behind her in this vale of tears, three daughters and six sons, and a number of relatives who deeply feel their loss and mourn her death, but kindly cherish her memory and hope to meet her in the bright beyond. The deceased was born and reared and lived most of her life at or near New Baltimore, Fauquier County, and was the daughter of Samuel and Julia F. Claggett of that place and grand daughter of Dr. Claggett of revolutionary fame.
Census Info:
In the 1850 census, Fannie Clagget Francies was living next to her mother, Jula, and was married to William Francis. William Francis' parents, Andrew and Elizabeth, lived on the other side of Fannie and her husband.
@1 [850] [S24]
@1 [852] [S44]
@1 [1753] [S196]
@1 [1754] [S17]
@1 [1757] [S44]
@1 [858] [S44]
@1 [1716] [S44]
@1 [1684] [S44]
@1 [777] [S44]
@1 [1805] [S44]
@1 [1806] [S44]
@1 [1807] [S44]
@1 [1808] [S44]
@1 [1809] [S44]
@1 [1810] [S44]
@1 [853] [S177]
@1 [854] [S44]
Husband: Gabriel Seyffert | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | Wife: (--?--) | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Johann Jakob Seyffert | ||
Born: | 18 Oct 1738 | at: | Unterheinriet Wuerttemberg Germany |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 6 Feb 1780 | at: | Hoepfigheim, Wuerttemberg, Germany |
Spouses: | Eva Barbara Enderle |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Gabriel Seyffert | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
Husband: William de Sutherland | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | William de Sutherland | ||
Mother: | Margaret Bruce | Wife: (--?--) | |
Children | |||
Name: | Robert de Sutherland | ||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: |
/-- /-- | \-- /--William de Sutherland | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--William de Sutherland | /--Robert de Brus VI | /--Robert Bruce I | | \--Marguerite de Carrick \--Margaret Bruce | /--Robert de Brus VI \--Elizabeth de Burgh \--Margaret de Burgh
Husband: Jacob Pettibone | |||
Born: | 1710 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Married: | 28 Nov 1740 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 19 Nov 1772 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Father: | Stephen Pettibone | ||
Mother: | Deborah Bissell | ||
Sources: | [13210] | ||
Wife: Jemima Cornish | |||
Born: | 20 Nov 1718 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 9 Oct 1791 | at: | Connecticut, United States |
Father: | James Cornish | ||
Mother: | Hannah Hilliard | ||
Sources: | [13211] | ||
Children | |||
Name: | Lurannah Pettibone [13212] | ||
Born: | 9 Feb 1749 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 12 Apr 1845 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Martha Pettibone [13213] | ||
Born: | 10 Jul 1754 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 18 Feb 1795 | at: | |
Spouses: | |||
Name: | David Pettibone [13214] | ||
Born: | 5 Sep 1756 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Thankful Pettibone [13215] | ||
Born: | 1758 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Spouses: | |||
Name: | Jacob Pettibone [13198] [13199] | ||
Born: | 20 Dec 1751 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Married: | at: | ||
Died: | 18 Oct 1807 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Spouses: | Rosetta Barber | ||
Name: | Susannah Pettibone [13216] | ||
Born: | 1749 | at: | Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States |
Died: | 1845 | at: | |
Spouses: |
/--John Pettibone /--John Pettibone | \--(--?--) /--Stephen Pettibone | | /--Bygod (Beget) Eggleston | \--Sarah Egglestone | \--Mary Wall |--Jacob Pettibone | /--John Bissell | /--Samuel Bissell | | \--Elizabeth Thompson \--Deborah Bissell | /--John Bissell \--Abigail Holcombe \--Elizabeth Ferguson
/-- /-- | \-- /--James Cornish | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Jemima Cornish | /-- | /-- | | \-- \--Hannah Hilliard | /-- \-- \--
@1 [13210] [S44]
@1 [13211] [S44]
@1 [13212] [S44]
@1 [13213] [S44]
@1 [13214] [S44]
@1 [13215] [S44]
@1 [13198] [S44]
@1 [13199] [S549]
@1 [13216] [S44]
Husband: Roswell Terry | |||
Born: | at: | ||
Married: | 30 Nov 1831 | at: | Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | at: | ||
Father: | |||
Mother: | |||
Sources: | [13495] | ||
Wife: Frances Phelps | |||
Born: | 18 Jul 1795[13454] | at: | Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States |
Died: | 28 Jul 1803[13456] | at: | Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States |
Father: | Moses Phelps | ||
Mother: | Margaret Root | ||
Sources: | [13454] [13455] [13456] [13457] | ||
Children |
/-- /-- | \-- /-- | | /-- | \-- | \-- |--Roswell Terry | /-- | /-- | | \-- \-- | /-- \-- \--
/--Aaron Phelps /--Aaron Phelps Jr. | \--Rachel Bagg /--Moses Phelps | | /--Moses Noble | \--Mary Noble | \--Mary Grant |--Frances Phelps | /--Joseph Root | /--Thomas Root | | \--Sarah \--Margaret Root | /--Joseph Root \--Abigail Collins \--Abigail Pease
@1 [13495] [S655]
@1 [13454] [S107]
@1 [13455] [S108]
@1 [13456] [S661]
@1 [13457] [S107]
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